Din sökning på "zoom" gav 2053 sökträffar
2. Ansökningsperioder och informationsmöten
Utbytesstudier läsåret 2025-2026Om du vill åka på utbytesstudier under hösten 2025 eller våren 2026 är du välkommen att söka under våra ordinarie ansökningsperioder:1 november - 15 november 20241 februari - 15 februari 2025Alla ansökningsomgångar stänger vid midnatt.Skicka in din ansökan i ansökningssystemet i god tid före ansökningsomgången stänger. Sena ansökningar kommer inte att hanteras.Länk
Välkommen till kursen Sociologi, psykologi: Verksamhetsförlagd utbildning
CANCELLED Discussion forum about profile areas at Lund University
Online supervisor fika 18 February 2025
Wireless internet via Eduroam
Eduroam is an encrypted network and is a collaboration between a large number of universities around the world. Students from other universities that have Eduroam can log in when they are on the Lund University campus. Similarly, Lund University students can connect using an Eduroam network at other universities.About Eduroam – eduroam.orgConnecting to Eduroam on your computerBefore you can connec
Rules for computer networks
Local and international networks Use of the computer networks is a privilege, not a right. This applies to both the local Lund University network and the international networks. Misuse of the networks may result in temporary or permanent exclusion from using the networks. Computer network rules at Lund UniversityThe following is not permitted:Attempting to access network resources to which you do
Digital LU Managers´ forum: Psychological safety - the importance of leadership for successful work and research teams
3 April 2025 09:00 to 11:00 | Seminar Managers´ forum 3 April 2025 Digital university wide managers' forum for all managers with employer and operational responsibility. The forum is held in Swedish. Theme On the theme Psychological safety - the importance of leadership for successful work and research groups, the forum offers interesting and inspiring conversations between two of the university's
https://www.aclu.lu.se/en/events/past-events/2022 - 2025-01-25
June 11th 2020
From the Management The Faculty of Science has now formally appointed Per Persson as the Director of CEC from 1 January 2021. The process and dialogue with the Faculty continues, and decisions about the rest of the management structure, a new mission, the board and budget will be taken in the autumn. The management group this week prepared for the yearly follow up with the faculty, that will be he
https://www.cec.lu.se/staff-pages/staff-newsletters/june-11th-2020 - 2025-01-25
Feedback from collaborating companies
Digitalt seminarium om mikroföroreningar i urbana miljöer och organiska gödslingsmedel
12 februari 2025 08:30 till 09:45 | Seminarium Boka in datumet! Den 12 februari kommer vi att hålla ett digitalt seminarium om mikroföroreningar i stadsmiljöer och organiska gödslingsmedel. Mer information kommer, men du kan registrera dig redan nu. Läs mer om seminariet och anmäl dig via vår engelska hemsida:On-line seminar on Micropollutants in urban settings and biosolids (på engelska) - cec.lu
Introducing the mud to the sublime
Post-humanist methods for critical border studies Mathilda Rosengren Tuesday November 14, 2023 13.00-14.00 CET (Stockholm, Berlin, Rome) N.B.! An hour earlier than usual - 13.00 Mathilda Rosengren (Malmö university) gives a presentation, followed by a discussion with Umut Ozguc (Macquarie University), and questions from participants. William Kutz will be moderating the seminar. The webinar is free
https://www.cors.lu.se/en/introducing-mud-sublime - 2025-01-25
https://www.msf-malmo.lu.se/seminars - 2025-01-25
WINGS Annual Meeting 2020
Workshop on diverse teams. Work practices for maximising the potential of diverse teams and research groups. ● Why do we need diverse teams? ● What are the challenges when working with diverse teams? ● What work practices should we consider when working in diverse teams. This event is for anyone who wants to work within or create great diverse teams within in research and academia. The workshop
https://www.wings.lu.se/activities/previous-workshops/wings-annual-meeting-2020 - 2025-01-25
Workshop: Datahanteringsplaner – varför, hur och när?
Vill du att vi besöker din skola digitalt?
För dig som är student
Studieinformation för dig som är antagen student på Sociologiska institutionen På dessa sidor samlar vi det som du behöver för dina studier hos oss och tipsar om sådant som gör studierna roligare. Hitta till Sociologen! Vårt hus Gamla lungkliniken ligger i det vackra kvarteret Paradis, mitt i Lund. Ny studentChecklista ny student!Lärplattform, schema, litteratur och kursplanerLärplattformen Canvas
https://www.soc.lu.se/student - 2025-01-25
Welcome to the course Feminist Perspectives of Caring Relations and Family Policies
SOCB42, 10 credits Course period: 6 February – 2 June 2024 This course is part of the virtual programme exchange Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion but can also be studied as a freestanding course.In this welcome letter you will find information about how to log in to your learning platform Canvas, where to find course literature and course registration.Mandatory introductory meetingThe course sta
14 mars 2025 13:15 till 15:00 | Forskning/Forskarutbildning Alla på institutionen är varmt välkomna, oavsett hur mycket eller lite du arbetat med kvantitativ metod tidigare. Zoomlänk skickas ut efter du anmält dig:Kontakt och anmälan: ida [dot] hall [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (ida[dot]hall[at]soch[dot]lu[dot]se) och lisa [dot] noren [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (lisa[dot]noren[at]soch[dot]lu[dot]s
https://www.soch.lu.se/internt/evenemang/kvant-gruppen - 2025-01-25